Friday, June 19, 2009

Chapter 18: Bloody Afternoon

Chapter 18
Bloody Afternoon

Grace walked out of the Honky Tonk before I did. She was smiling and patting her stomach, which was oddly still flat. I walked behind her, placing my credit card, which felt lighter, into my wallet. The waitress waved us happily out. At least, two people were happy.

“Well, I’m off to the library to do some research.”

“I’m heading back to class.”

“Well, I’ll call you later okay?”


“Bye!” she yelled in a cheery voice as she walked toward the research library.

I walked toward my class. My phone began to ring.

Eason calling…

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hank. Jack is definitely alive.”

“What happened?”

“We found a woman gutted, ripped, and drained of blood.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s Jack’s MO. Be careful.”

The call ended.

I was unnerved. I could imagine what Jack could do with that blade, and that was the worst thing – imagination.

I walked toward class, and I felt a shadow follow behind me. I could hear a heavier set of footsteps. I closed my eyes and put my phone against my ear. The sound of people’s feet and their voices echoed off everything - showed me everything, but there was no Jack. I moved my phone away. All I had was a terrible fear gnawing at my stomach. If we couldn’t take him, how could I do it alone?

I walked into my lecture hall and took a seat. I’m a person who sits in a position and doesn’t move. Today, I fidgeted. I shifted my legs. I tried resting my head on my hand, but it wasn’t restful. I couldn’t pay attention. My notes trailed off the line. The door suddenly swung open. I immediately turned toward the door to see who it was. Just another straggler late for class. I heard metal clinking to my right. Just someone tapping their mechanical pencil tip against the table. My heart was racing. Jack was alive. He wanted me dead.

The bell rang, class ended, and I bolted from the room.

I heard that heavy set of footsteps once more.

Calling Grace…












“I’m not here right now! Leave a message after the beep, and I’ll call you when I can! Beep!”

I quickened my pace. The footsteps quickened. I sprinted and so did the footsteps. I turned a corner and arrived at the back of the library. No one was around. This is where books from other colleges were transferred over. It was rarely in use. I held onto my phone. I held my breath. My phone was fully charged. I was at five bars of reception. All that noise and all that sound. I closed my eyes and listened. The footsteps drew closer. Closer.


I swung my phone.

I felt the air leave my mouth. Pain. I looked down to see the hilt of a sword in my gut. I looked up to see the agent of the Children from yesterday.

“You’re coming with me, Hank. Even if Ms. Anna lets you leave, the others won’t allow it.”

He must have seen the shock in my eyes.

“I’m just an ordinary man trained to fight. Not everyone has powers to fight against Affects and Aspects.”

With a wave of his arm, he threw me against a dumpster.

As I lay there, I began to hear my blood beating in my head. It was a powerful rhythm. I looked up, and I knew it wasn’t my heart.

That wicked smile. Muted footsteps.


From another side, Jack slowly walked toward us.

I tried to crawl up, but my body would not move. The agent had knocked the breath out of me. I laid there and watched Jack walk toward us. His boots made no noise as they glided across the ground.

“I thought I killed you yesterday,” the agent stated.

“You’re too weak to kill me,” Jack replied as he walked closer.

“What do you want?”

“Just some fun.”

The agent drew his sword and charged toward Jack. He passed me. He was fast.

Those teeth gleamed.

The agent fell to the floor. His head rolled past Jack. His blade split in half.

Jack was faster.

He picked up the agent’s corpse: head and all, and continued toward me. He drew closer. Closer. Closer. He stopped beside me.

“Trash. Worthless trash.”

He threw the body into the dumpster. He then looked at me and smiled.

“Not today. I’ve had my fill.”

He winked and walked away.

I ran into the library and into the bathroom. I threw up into the toilet.

My phone rang.

Grace calling…


Tommy SoCal said...

A very action packed chapter. It is funny how those everyday noises can freak someone out. Jack intrigues me as an individual agent. Also I think his aspect has something to do with his bloodlust, if you've read D-Grayman there is a similar vampire character whose power resides in his teeth. I am going to catch up on your periodical today so there will be more comments to follow.

Jack Plum said...

I haven't read D-Grayman, but I plan to soon.

Jack's Aspect will be revealed more and more.